Jar Amok
Jar Amok ('Jar' - Urdu for Root; 'Amok' - Hebrew for Deep) is a community-based healing and conflict transformation organization in Washington, DC working towards building deep connection and equity, no matter the barrier or obstacle.

Street Seekers is an effort that connects people on the street facing dire needs to individuals and social support systems with financial or social capital. The aim: to support people on the street closer to the journey and life they seek to live out.
The Street Seekers fund allows people seeking empowerment to have financial security while navigating the delays in the social support system.
Thus far the Street Seekers' program and model has supported 4 people from Chapel Hill, NC and Washington, DC successfully from at-risk positions into self-sustaining lives they wish to live.
If you feel called to help in this endeavor, you can donate to our Fund using the button below.

Our site is changing!
In the coming weeks more content about Jar Amok's work and actions – which span 7+ years – as well as a way to us or get a consult will be posted into this platform (see below for a brief description). We are so excited to share more with you!
As a first step during the Covid-19 pandemic, we chose to showcase a bit about Street Seekers. Upcoming will be the model, and Jar Amok's positioning towards Conflict and Harm Transformation (including TJ, RJ, and Conflict Resolution).
Thank you for taking the time to check out Jar Amok and Street Seekers!

About the Jar Amok Model
Drawn from the ancestral lineages of its founder, Hasan Bhatti, Jar Amok uses anti-oppressive and trauma-informed practices that weaves together disability justice, trauma-informed and conflict transformation best practices to a) meet the liberation needs of the individuals and organizations involved, and b) remains responsive to the ancestral journeys and power levels throughout.
Participants learn through process and reflection how they may transform conflicts, harm, and oppression into the internal, interpersonal, communal, city-wide and systemic change needed for the given situation; adding a new ancestral journey, learning, and reflection in the process.